Channel for Angelic Energy

Certified VortexHealing® Teacher
During an Angelic Healing, an angel works with you on the issues you’re concerned about in your life or that of someone you care about — offering solutions, insight, clarity, comfort, safety, and transformation under divine guidance.

Click here for the schedule of Angelic Healing events.

Angelic blessings can be requested at any time.

VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing is a holistic system of multi-dimensional healing and inner awakening. The Foundational Training class qualifies you as a certified VortexHealing® Practitioner and welcomes you to a worldwide support community of people who are interested in healing and spiritual awakening. Angelic Heart classes, where you learn to channel Angelic energy and consciousness, are part of the sequence of VortexHealing classes.

About Gailynn Carroll Ph.D.

Born in a small Oklahoma town, Gailynn has always been drawn to nature and to learning. As a child, she was aware of a pure presence near her, but she did not understand its significance until much later in life. Gailynn followed an academic career, earning a BA in English, an MA in Literature, and a PhD in Public Administration. During her time in higher education, she taught overseas in a Japanese university and was the Director of many programs in higher education—Director of International Programs, of Online Student Services and of Intensive English Programs. Gailynn loved the intellectual richness of university life.

However, intellectual pursuits eventually paled and Gailynn, quite by accident (since she wasn’t a healer and had never heard of divine beings), discovered VortexHealing® in 1997. She subsequently spent every spare vacation hour taking VortexHealing classes until, by Merlin’s divine intervention, she became a VortexHealing teacher. She received her teaching star in 2002 and began teaching part-time in 2006. It wasn’t until 2010, when she more deeply surrendered and let go of her university life, that she was able to fully connect with the presence she had felt since childhood, which turned out to be an archangel. It came into her spine and merged with her energetic system during a group angelic meditation. Among the VortexHealing classes she now teaches is one that Merlin uniquely designed for her and her angel, called Angelic Heart.

Gailynn currently lives in Tempe Arizona with her husband, two pups, and an ever-blooming garden.

What Others Say About Working With Gailynn

Gailynn was my first Vortex teacher. She facilitated the Foundation class with grace, trust in the Divine and a deep understanding of the complicated and amazing healing tools. I was hooked from the first class, and now over 25 vortex classes later, many taught by Gailynn, I am free from the aftereffects of decades of abuse. Each new Vortex class moves me closer to peace and bliss. It feels like Gailynn has been with me every step of the way.

Gailynn is a gem. I find her self-deprecating humor hilarious and she’s so kind and authentic and accessible to everyone. I feel very fortunate to have had my first VortexHealing classes with her as she normalizes what can seem very "far-out" with her grounded and intelligent style.

Gailynn is a very precious person to me. I just love her. She is grounded, present and it is just beautiful to be around her. The way she is teaching the work, and all about our friends the Angels, is outstanding. A new door opens in her classes as you experience the Angels in their natural way - subtle but very strong. You can feel the Angels transformative power and how they naturally embrace and hold you - as you are right now. And much more. Angelic Magic 🙂

I love Gailynn's patience and confidence while she teaches class and how she knows how to balance the 3D and 5D worlds so smoothly. I am looking forward to the rest of the classes with her. 

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